
How good are some whiskies? So good you may want -no insist-to have them on your deathbed. There is something about these drinks that are just magical and transcendent, and you could be in the minority with your opinion. But alas my good readers, don’t think this series is as simple as assembling all of the A’s from my Rating category. Oh no. For a whiskey to be deathbed-worthy, it does not necessarily have to be perfection. Sometimes you recognize the flaws – a shorter than expected finish or slightly off aftertaste – but you forgive them for their imperfections because something about them is amazing and you can’t imagine the world without them. This whiskey could be your favorite B+ or B (or C- if you’re a sadist.) After all, you can’t drink the exquisite super fab stuff all day while on your death bed- you have to pace yourself with daily favorites. That is, unless you don’t have much time left.
Below is my ongoing list of drams I’d like to have on my deathbed…. Feel free to chime in with yours.


Sweetness and heavy peat collide and what a beautiful marriage! This has one of the longest finishes of any whiskey I’ve ever had. It’s like the Energizer Bunny. Taste this as your last drink of the night- your palette has been compromised…in a good way. This was one hard bottle to find. There were 2 limited editions the 2009 and 2010. Can’t find either in the US so had to get it shipped from England with 2 beautiful crystal glencairn glasses. The glasses were not forced on me but hey why not? Already getting screwed with the Pound conversion. First had the Supernova at a hotel in Scotland. Thought the name was badass. Well the drink is too. It has a strong ABV and I don’t usually add water but I added a drop towards end of drink. It changed it quite a bit without compromising quality. However I haven’t added water since. It was a bit too wild coming out of the bottle at the beginning but now it’s tamed down a bit, but just a bit. This is a beast, a warm, loving, would be awesome to have this stuff on your death bed type thing. Don’t think this bottle will last till then but I’m happy I finally have it in my collection. Have been obsessing about it for a while. Really exquisite stuff with an edge, as in a member of the royal family shanking you on a street corner type exquisite edge. Highly recommended.

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